Monday, October 29, 2007

Today i did my power point presentation and jotted down all my questoins. next class i will just have to get the amswers and get them down as well. but the bell is to go so im out. ttyl.
Last BTA classs i didnt get go make an entry because i ran out of time. but i did a test , finished my excel spread sheet and started on the slide show.

Friday, October 19, 2007

to start off the class i was sittin in the other room alone. then i got lonely because jesse and vikk arent here so i came into this classroom and was on my blogger(obviously) , protopage,and my bloglines account. yea im slowly gettin this class:P.. pc3

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Journal Entry

hey, ye today i went onto my blog lines, blogger account
and i updated an fixed em' up. i also went onto my facebook to
save a pic for my journal entry...seee----> :)

yup but thats all for now. later gatorrrr

Monday, October 15, 2007

hey yea whas up? jackie here/jk. but really. im bored. kayy today i tried logging into my blogger account but i forgot my user name and password then had to send them to my email. and i forgot that i used my school email so i was waiting forever trying to check my hotmail. but yea anywhooooo,,,, i surfed a bit,not to much tho. and im not goin' to lie ill be honest this time:P. jk but yea i went onto my uh, proto page and meh thats good enough. talk to ya later. heck im chillin here with jesse n vikki. nun to exciting.KIDDDING!. well---> pc3!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Journal Entry

Today i activated my Blogger Account with the help of

Mr. Henkleman. I was also on my Protopage, updating

random icons,photos etc. I am now fixing up my Blog,

thinking of different colors and photos to use.

I am going to go now, talk to you later :)